International Human Rights Defenders Foundation -IHRDF is a not-for-profit organization, founded by and made up of professionals of law, social work, sociology, psychology, and criminology and human rights defenders, with much participation from members of the civil society where victims have an important place.
This non-profit and non-governmental group of volunteers takes several initiatives to secure and preserve the rights of fellow human beings. We do charitable campaigns and fundraising events to provide the destitute during emergencies, pandemics, and natural disasters.
Appreciation Letter
Who does not like honour? The success and motivation of the people the first committee hikes up with this estimable letter of appreciation.
IHRDF monitors human rights abuses, it defends and publicly promotes the defense of human rights; through education it searches to eliminate the violation of human rights at the individual and group level. It promotes the comprehensive defense of human rights and the rights of all people with sovereignty, free determination and respect, in search of an equitable society with social justice.
IHRDF supports effective implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the International pact regarding civil and political rights, the Geneva agreements of 1949 and the United Nations Convention and its subsequent changes related to refugees and displaced persons.
IHRDF looks for the support of other international organizations to eradicate all types of discrimination toward women, in order for women´s rights to be respected in an effective way, as their fundamental human rights, one should respect the principle of equality and encourage the particular role that women’s rights play in the processes of peace and development in countries in conflict.
It contributes to the respect of human rights in the framework of the antiterrorist fight, so that in the name of freedom and democracy fundamental rights are not violated, especially freedom.
IHRDF works to protect victims of human rights violations, to protect the defenders of human rights, to prevent these violations and to bring the perpetrators of these violations before the justice.
It raises awareness in the national and international community about the situation of human rights in countries in conflict and brings the received information to the organizations with incident capacity and/or pressure toward these states, working together to suppress the violation of human rights and impunity.
IHRDF works so that the respect of women’s fundamental rights continues everywhere especially in the countries where women are discriminated against and submitted to cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment.
IHRDF works with international organizations so that the fundamental rights of children will not be vulnerable, their rights to health, education, having a family, to not go to war, to not be discriminated against because of their race, creed or origin or their migratory status.
The general objective of the “International Human Rights Defenders Foundation” -IHRDF is to contribute to the defense, promotion, education, protection and realization of human rights, including civil and political rights.
The aim of IHRDF is to fight against all forms of discrimination and impunity by assisting individuals around the world who have little or no access to human rights resources. We are the helping hand to those people that are dealing with human rights violations within and outside of India.
IHRDF seeks to materialize the truth, justice and complete reparation for serious violations of human rights, through legal and political actions at the international, national and local level in countries where human rights have been systematically violated, in countries in conflict.
We work for the complete exercising of the rights of people through the formation, organization, denouncing, and realization of legal and political actions at the local, national and international level in coordination with other organizations defending human rights. To uphold human rights law under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent United Nations conventions and declarations in India and abroad by:
Educating the public through the provision of courses, workshops, and seminars on matters relating to human rights.
Researching issues relating to human rights and the people we serve.
Assisting individuals in bringing their complaints before the UN Human Rights Council.
Assisting individuals in bringing their complaints before the UN Human Rights Council.
To relieve poverty through the provision of basic amenities to refugees, immigrants and others in need.
To provide counseling, education, and other support services to immigrants and refugees, including language instruction, employment training, job search programs, translation services, and information/assistance on Indian culture and life.
Initiative and Projects
- We are much focused on striving to attain justice for the Myanmar human rights violations that the military troops indulge that affects the people and their belongings.
- IHRDF has served needy people with essentials throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and natural calamities like floods, earthquakes.
- We committed to strive against human trafficking and exploitation through many awareness programs. As a people welfare committee, we make the ruling leaders aware of this overlooked issue.Gender abuses need to be get ridden from society, and we combat the same.
“International Human Rights Defenders Foundation” -IHRDF, is a non-profit organization working in the field of human right issues founded in 2007 but officially registered in 2020 at Delhi NCR, India/USA and was born out of necessity to support hundreds of victims of a conflict, in support of refugees, displaced persons, and their relatives that were unable to leave their countries of origin.
The serious situation of violation of human rights made professionals, from different disciplines that arrived to India as refugees and as victims of intolerance, persecution, victims of arbitrary detentions, forced disappearances and their decimated families, get together to work for the benefit of social sectors in a state of need and vulnerability.